Bali Countryside and Temple Tour

My love affair with Bali started 10years ago when my employer in the Philippines sent me over for a 2 week work trip . Stayed in Candidasa  but never really gotten a chance to visit Bali’s famous temples.

I’m not passing up on the chance again. With my long list of itinerary for the day, we headed off to our tour of Bali.

But before i go on. Here are some tips to make your trip hassle free and enjoyable.:
1. Bring a SARONG . (If you wear long pants or long skirt you may only need a sash tied around your waist) If you wear shorts you must don a sarong. Bring your own or buy at stalls outside the temples or you may hire one before entering.
2. RESPECT their local customs. Don’t do anything their gods may not like such as stepping on one’s offerings.
3. Bring CASH. Most of the temples require an entrance fee or donation of sort. A little rupiah wouldn’t hurt a bit. You may also want to buy souveinirs / handicrafts / paintings / fruits that would catch your fancy.
4. Be CAMERA ready . Bali is a picturesque place and you wouldn’t want to miss capturing it’s beauty.
5. LISTEN intently to what your TOUR GUIDE is explaining. He may have valuable information on a place that you would not find on any lonely planet book or internet forums.
6. Pocket some CANDIES . For the kids. Their smile is the greatest after handing out some candies.
7. Bring your SHADES, HAT, BOTTLED WATER, SUNSCREEN for protection against the intense heat of the sun.
8. Wear your most COMFORTABLE clothing and shoes. Coz you’ll be doing a lot of walking. Believe me.
9. Learn a little of Bahasa (their language) such as Terima kasih (thank you) , Apa Kabar (how are you), Kembali (you’re welcome), Selamat pagi / malam (Good morning / evening), Tidak (no), Selamat jalan (goodbye), Ke kiri / kanan (to the left / right), Berhenti !(stop!)Most of the locals are not very good in english. it pays to know a word or two of their language.
10. Be PATIENT  to determined vendors/locals who tries to sell you things even if you say no .

GOA GAJAH or the Elephant Cave located in Bedulu 27kms from Denpasar. It is near Ubud and one of the most famous tourist spot in Bali.

Before reaching Kintamani volcano we were told that we will pass by the Bas Coffee Plantation. Here we may order different coffee varieties and the famous LUWAK coffee . Luwak coffee is the most expensive coffee in the world. The beans are eaten by the civet cat , digested and collected as droppings. The digestion process makes this coffee special and delicious. I was able to drink one cup and i must say nothing beats its taste.

                                        Civet Cat – from it’s poop comes the most expensive coffee in the world.

                                              Different types of coffee at the coffee plantation.

                                 Don’t just drink their coffee, try your hand in cooking the beans!

               They segregate the male and female coffee beans. HOW in the WORLD would you KNOW!!!!!

So off we go to Kintamani volcano overview. We were in awe of such a picturesque setting . See our pictures to prove it.

                                     P.P.P.P – Picture postcard perfect pose (breathtaking background view )

                                               From the viewing deck you will see Lake Batur.

The highlight of our trip is the Besakih temple. It is the largest and most important Hindu temple in Bali. It is over 1000 years old. Prepare yourself to trek steep flights of stairs which leads up to the main Meru Structure.

                                                Jatiluwih Rice Terraces
Other temples we visited:
1. Tanah Lot Temple – you have to go here during sunset. The view is spectacular.
2. Uluwatu Temple – sits atop a cliff in Uluwatu (south of Bali).
3. Tirta Empul – it’s waters is said to have healing properties.
4. Ulun Danu – second most important temple in Bali. It is located in Bedugul.
5. Taman Ayun temple in Mengwi
6. Goa Lawah.

So there you go folks! I recommend not to visit all temples in one day. You must arrange for at least 2 days of tour around the countryside for you to enjoy it.

Should you need help on arranging your Bali tours pls email me at or call 774-78-76. You may also text me at 0917-9955487 or 0908-8641572.