Bali Indonesia

After 6 hours of flying we arrived finally at the Ngurah Rai Airport Denpasar Bali Indonesia. It was the same small airport as i have seen 10 years ago. No improvements despite of the influx of tourists coming from the world over.

A blast of hot, humid air greeted the three of us as we stepped on the Indonesian soil. Despite of that we are all getting excited to meeting our long time friends and co-workers who’ve established their families and made Bali their home. They’ll be taking care of us for the next 4 days. But we’ve got to get to our hotel in Legian, change our dollars into rupiah and change into our most comfortable summer clothes.

Finally, we’ve arrived in our $29/night/villa (2bedroom villa) located in Legian a short stone throw away from the airport. First thing i’ve noticed was the offering in front of a small temple just right outside our villa’s main door.

There are temples everywhere be it in the market or at the side of the road or at a restaurant’s entrance, at the park, airport, outside of a local’s house . In fact, Bali is known as the ” island of the thousand temples”.

Here’s some pictures of our hotel and the interior of our villa. We stayed here for 2 days and changed accomodation due to insistence of our hosts and hostesses. Our friends has a big house in Kuta with 4 bedrooms . Who wouldn’t want free stay?

Simple breakfast included with our rate. Nothing much but with inexpensive food you can get in Bali you wouldn’t have to scrimp on meals during your vacation.

By mid afternoon we arranged to meet our friends at a supermarket and they promised to bring us out to dinner at the famous Jimbaran Bay where you can order seafood to your heart’s delight. Though, price is quite on the expensive side. Our hosts of course pays for it . . .

Tomorrow, we are off to see Bali temples. We have an early day ahead of us .