How to apply for a US tourist visa (for Philippine passport holder)

One day your relative in the U.S. sent you a message : Hey! why don’t you come and visit us here during your vacation ? I’ll pay for everything !

Yeah . wouldn’t it be great to have a reunion with your dear ones in America ?

But now you’re stumped. Not knowing what to do , where to start. The information on the website of the Embassy of the United States seems to overwhelm you!

Do not fret . There are only 4 EASY STEPS in applying for a US tourist visa.

infographic copy





Non immigrant ds 160 payment
taken from the website of

There are different fees for each category of visa. B1/B2 visa category which pertains to those intending to travel to the United States for vacation/pleasure , to visit relatives and/or for business purposes has the least expensive visa fee among US visa types.

How much is the visa fee ?   USD160 per applicant

Do i pay in USD or Peso ?   Pay in Philippine peso equivalent of USD160

Where do i pay the visa fee ?  There are 3 options . 1. Pay CASH (in peso) at any BPI bank branch . 2. thru BPI online payment . 3. thru Bancnet online payment.

Now suppose you have money on hand and ready to pay don’t go just yet. First, you have to generate a deposit slip similar to this :

mrv rcpt copy
Bring this to the bank with your payment and a copy of your passport biopage

Print out your unique US visa fee deposit slip from here .

After which , bring the printout and payment to the bank. To add, you also must bring a photocopy of the biopage of your passport.

Bank will issue you a receipt.

IMPORTANT : Keep your receipt because you will not be able to schedule your appointment without it.





Go to this website to start an application :

Non immigrant ds160

Answer the form as truthfully as you can.

Remember that most of the questions that will be asked during the interview will be based on what you have written on the DS160 form.

Whatever imprecise or inaccurate answers may backfire on you during the interview.

To put it another way, treat this like you’re preparing your resume for an important job interview.  All details must be authentic and factual.

There’s also no harm in seeking the help of another person , one that you trust , in completing this form.

Furthermore, hit the save button should you need to stop before exiting so you can come back and retrieve your form in the future.

IMPORTANT : Take note of your DS160 application number. You will need it to retrieve your unfinished application form.

Towards the end , it will prompt you to attach your most recent 2X2 picture. Be sure to follow the required id size and jpeg file size to succesfully move on to the next page.

Before signing your form take time to review all your answers.

Once you hit the submit button there’s no turning back . Whatever errors you’ve made cannot be taken back and may result to failure to your application.

Once done, be sure to print out the last page.

That’s your DS160 Application Confirmation Number. You have to bring it with you during the interview.

Whew! Easy peasy right? Let’s move on to our next step.





2 Options :

  1. Thru Call Center by calling (02) 976-8500 – 02 OR (02) 981-8300.  Customer service agents are available to take your call from Monday to Friday 0800AM to 0800PM.
  2. Thru online . You may find the link here.

Either way , you will be provided with all the available date and time for interview. You may choose your preferred schedule .

What if for some unexpected reason i cannot come to my appointment ? An applicant can change his/her schedule twice only.  Call the call center or do it here.

An Appointment Confirmation will be sent to your email indicating all pertinent details of your application.

Below is a sample of an appointment confirmation.

IMPORTANT : Print this and bring it on the day of your appointment.

Inkedapplication letter_LI





After you’ve paid the visa fee , completed the application form and schedule set , there’s only one more left to conquer and that is to pass the interview.

On this day , start with a positive attitude and a prayer to God. Build up your courage and wish you pass this with flying colors.  Besides, you don’t wanna waste money for nothing eh?

Arrive at the embassy at least 30mins before your scheduled time.

Check if you have brought everything that have asked of you :

  1. Valid Passport
  2. DS160 Application Confirmation
  3. Appointment Confirmation

Although not required ,you may also bring other documents which you feel might be asked of you during interview such as NSO birth cert , NSO marriage cert, bank certificates , certificate of employment , proof of this and that , etc.

But please keep all these documents concealed and away from the sight of the visa officer. If they ask you to produce it then hand it over but if not ….. better hide it for goodness sake!

IMPORTANT : The only document to hand over to your visa officer is your passport. Nothing more.

The interview would last about 10 minutes or so. Make the most out of it.

In a nutshell they would just like to know your personal background and status in life. The most important question is why you would want to go to the United States. Prove them that your intentions are good and that you are coming back after your vacation period.

If the visa officer hands back your passport and a piece of paper then  it means they are denying you of a visa.

If they say congratulations or something to the effect and hold on to your passport then expect your passport to be delivered to your mailing address within 3 to 5 working days.

This is how the visa sticker looks like :

Inkeddeogracias rayala US VISA copy copy_LI

Congratulations ! Uncle Sam awaits you !

Tips to ace the interview deserves another post so please watch out for it . 😎

For any comments and questions i’d be glad to answer. Just hit the comment button .😀

Disclaimer :

I do not claim to be an expert on visa applications. I am just sharing what i have done and gone through. Information written on this post may serve as a guideline only. It is best to check the official website of the Embassy of the United States for updated information.

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