Baguio – Educational Field Trip

Our students from Bulacan State University was overly excited on the 3rd day of our educational field trip. The first few days spent in the Ilocos Region was a complete success but very tiring because of the heat. They enjoyed most part of their trip especially during the boodle fight served in Ihawan sa Caoayan .

See happy faces. Clearly enjoying the good weather in Baguio.

Baguio is well loved by many tourists because of its clean air, fairly cold weather, and good food. It is the summer capital of the Philippines and just 6 hours away from Manila.
We left Vigan at around 3pm and arrived in Baguio approx. 8pm in time for dinner. It was an uneventful land trip because everybody was tired and opt to sleep the rest of the way.

Oh how the students loved Baguio. They became giggly when they see Igorots in their traditional wear . They jumped for joy when they visited the La Trinidad Strawberry Farm and saw for the first time a strawberry plant . And no matter how cold it was , they were too eager to eat a strawberry flavored ice cream. Even the Taho is strawberry flavored.

Strawberry Flavored (Dirty?) Ice Cream sold at La Trinidad Benguet

Then we toured them at the Taoist Temple/Bell Church.

Bell Church

Other places we visited : Philippine Military Academy, The Mansion , Wright Park, Session Road, Baguio Cathedral, Mines View Park, Burnham Park

Boating @ Burnham Park

Burnham Park and its legendary sunflower plants

Burnham Park hasn’t changed a bit since I last visited. Well maybe for some renovations and other add on vendors but it still evokes a feeling of calmness and of sweet childhood memories.
The students enjoyed exploring Burnham Park and buying souveinirs/pasalubong from the nearby Maharlika Market.

We stayed another 2nights in Baguio. It was a successful trip giving the students a much needed break from their thesis writing .

On the 5th day , we safely travelled back to Bulacan where the parents and guardians of our students are patiently waiting for our return. I was more than thankful that I was able to deliver back the students to their respective parents safe and sound.

For travel questions and requests , you may go to our FB page (search : VIAJE ROYALE TRAVEL SERVICES)

We’d be happy to assist you 🙂

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